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You've made it this far, may as well continue reading. This is the start of hopefully a long term project in which I can help bring to you interesting news from the world that you may not be able to hear about in your day to day lives. From the title of the blog hopefully you can gather that this will be an ecology/biology focused blog as I am currently a biology student at the University of Leeds. I was inspired to begin sharing information after a lecture by Dr Chris Hassall who focuses on science communication. Hopefully using interesting stories and articles I can open your eyes to occurrences and ongoing's in the world that your line of work/study won't let you delve into.

There will also, fingers crossed, be a tab that allows you to access podcasts that I wish to publish so that when you have some spare time you can pop some headphones on or just listen to before going to bed about something you may not have heard about before, because knowledge is power. I'll try not to be cheesy and as entertaining but informative as possible.

I encourage you to get in touch if you have any ideas as after all you're the ones that have to read or listen to me.

So once again welcome...

JB x

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